CAS Group Donates Food and Goods to Cianjur Earthquake Victims

PT Cardig Aero Services Tbk (CAS Group) with its subsidiaries help and through its #CASPeduli campaign, has donated food and goods to Cianjur earthquake victims. CAS Group collaborated with the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) main headquarter (HQ) and PMI Cianjur for the distribution process, which were divided into 3 batches. On December, 1st 2022 which is the 1st batch, through PMI HQ, CAS Group distributed donation goods such as clothes, masks, baby clothes and baby equipment. In the 2nd batch, on December 7th, 2022 through PMI HQ, CAS Group donated clothes and masks. On December 10th, 2022 which is the final batch or 3rd batch, and in coordination with PMI Cianjur, CAS Group’ representatives went directly to Cianjur to see the earthquake’s site. And in this batch, CAS Group distributed donation goods such as blankets, clothes, baby diapers, baby clothes, towels, and staple foods (indomie, biscuits and UHT milk).

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