CAS Group has started 2023 with a Workshop for All CAS Employees

PT Cardig Aero Services Tbk (CAS) has started 2023 with a Strategic Thrust Workshop for all CAS (holding co.) employees at the Harris Sentul Hotel on 13-14 January 2023. With “Managing People & Processes for Boosting Performance” as the workshop’s theme and Mr. Armand Bachtiar Arief (a member of CAS’ Board of Commissioner) as the speaker and facilitator. Besides CAS’ Board of Directors and its employees, the event was also attended by Mr. Bob Chi, who is a member of CAS’ Board of Commissioner and also attended by Board of Directors of CAS Group’s business unit such as; PT Jasa Angkasa Semesta (JAS), PT JAS Aero Engineering (JAES), PT Purantara Mitra Angkasa Dua (PMAD), and PT Cardig Anugrah Sarana Catering (CASC).

The 2 day workshop is mainly focusing on the critical success factors, which could enable CAS Group to perform value adding business transformation and to focus on current growth and further. The workshop’s activities consist of; sharing sessions, games, team networking dinners, morning sports, and case studies. In addition, several CAS employee helped to prepare the event without a Professional Event Organizer’s (EO) help.

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