Agung Budi Maryoto

Indonesian citizen, currently serving as an Independent Commissioner of the Company since June 21, 2024.

Previously, he served as the IRWASUM Indonesian National Police (POLRI) in 2020. Additionally, he has held other strategic positions in POLRI, including KABAINTELKAM in 2019, Chief of West Java Regional Police (KAPOLDA) in 2017, Chief of South Sumatra Regional Police (KAPOLDA) in 2016, KAKORLANTAS POLRI in 2016, Chief of South Kalimantan Regional Police (KAPOLDA) in 2015, KARODALOPS in 2014, and WAKAKORLANTAS in 2012.

He graduated from the Indonesian Police Academy (Akabri Kepolisian) in 1987, the College of Police Science (Perguruan Tinggi Ilmu Kepolisian – PTIK) in 1996, the Staff and Command School (Sespim POLRI) in 2002, SESPATI in 2010, and the National Resilience Institute (LEMHANNAS) in 2013.

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